National Health and Development Organization

Black Soldier Flies Project

National Health and Development Organization

What Are Black Soldier Flies?

The black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) is a common and widespread fly of the family Stratiomyidae. BSF is a fly that holds some really unique properties. Unlike the common house fly which is a pest, black soldier fly larvae play a similar role to that of redworms as essential decomposers in breaking down organic substrates and returning nutrients to the soil.

After mating, the females deposits egg masses of about 500 eggs near edges of decaying organic matter. The resulting larvae can devour a wide range of food scraps and waste materials, quickly converting leftovers into protein. The larvae are fed to animals, providing a protein-rich food source for livestock. Black soldier flies are renowned as being one of the most efficient waste recyclers of the insect world. 

Farming black soldier flies provides the opportunity for smallholder farmers to shift towards a more reliable, profitable and ultimately more sustainable source of protein for their animals.

Bio-Waste Management Project

Recognizing the potential for black soldier flies farming to improve incomes for local communities and solve the organic waste disposal problem, National Health and Development Organization (NAHEDO) identified Modi Forest Accaccia Homes Ltd (MFAHL) Farm which is the only location in Homa Bay County Kenya that has successfully established a black soldier flies (BSF) larva-processing unit. 

NAHEDO in partnership with MFAHL BSF Farm and Tom Mboya University have designed a unique bio-waste management project.