NAHEDO has been working closely with the Rayier Women Group (a self-help group based in Homabay County) to empower the women economically through environmental conservation and reforestation activities. Some of the activities that we have been doing with the Rayier women group include:
CSR activities empowering20 members of Rayier Women Group by supporting them in in table banking
Sourcing funds for the group (grants and loans) – from Women Enterprise Fund (WEF) and from Osogo Foundation
Training the women group on basic book keeping for their businesses.
Working together with the women to come up with appropriate agribusiness projectsÂ
Team building activities to social wellbeing of the communities
Organizing different training seminars for the self-help group – agribusiness training, training on bamboo value addition, tree seedling project.
Some of the successful projects include garlic farming, watermelon farming, local vegetables, bamboo value addition, tree nursery projects
Bamboo Value Addition
A bamboo nursery established by the women to ensure supply of bamboo wood for the project.
Farming and Tree Nurseries
Rayier Women Group members.
The women group implementing an irrigated farming project.